steel, cement, 30’ x 32’ x 2”, 2004
Autumn, was a temporary installation commissioned by the Sumter County Cultural Commission in South Carolina for their fall festival, Accessibility 2004. In order to read the text describing the landscape of South Carolina in the fall, the viewer had to wind between the tall pines that stand beside the County Library. These lines were composed by Julia Mood Peterkin, for her controversial 1928 Pulitzer Prize Winning novel, Scarlet Sister Mary.
"The morning air was filled with delicious scents, ripe leaves, fragrant weeds, fresh cotton blossoms and the breath of the dark red earth itself.
Summer was over."

cast iron, steel, glass, water, 24" x 28" x 60”, 2003
Body of Water was commissioned for the multi-sited exhibition, Thresholds: Expressions of Art and Spirituality, curated by Eleanor Heartney, in Charleston, SC. The cast iron frame replicates the weatherworn, cradle-style grave markers common to the historic cemeteries of Charleston. Trapped within are glass jugs containing the approximate quantity of water found within an adult body. This basic fact confounds distinct notions of man, nature, and spirit.

steel wire, small motors, 8’ x 9.5’ x 4’, 2003
This kinetic installation was designed for the second floor gallery window. The eight small dc motors made a low humming sound that attracted viewers' attention first, and lured them closer, where they discovered that the birds were slowly flapping their wings.

Video still of performance, 2002
Choreography by Martha Brim
Original Composition, Breathe, by Trevor Weston Performed by Sarah Jensen Costume and Props by Loren Schwerd
Debuted at the Columbia Museum of Art, Columbia, SC

Debuted at the Piccolo Spoleto Festival, Charleston, SC, 2001
Choreographed and Performed by Eliza Ingle Costume and Sculpture by Loren Schwerd

steel, inner tubes, 72” x 180” x 120”, 2001
Cloak was built for the 2001 Piccolo Spoleto Festival. It was conceived for an exhibition on the grounds of the Old City Jail, which had temporarily been converted into a contemporary art exhibition space. The three structures range in height from 4' to 6'4" and viewers can stand inside them. My intention was for viewers to experience the same feeling of protection and confinement that the Old Jail inspires.